Sunday, April 24, 2011

School Trip and Recreation

School-O College Trip should knowledgeable with recreation and amusement:
School trip and recration
School and college trip is very positive and healthful activity. Institution should arrange trip once or twice in a year. The purpose of trip should knowledgeable and memorable. Ideal trip strategy consist on following category.

  • Younger teen ager under 10-year old.
  • Trip for 6th to 10th up to 16 year old.
  • Trip for College Student.

Monday, April 18, 2011

3D Film Technology

Technology of Three dimension Animation is source of huge currency reserve and its Effects  on human health:

 The time have passed when children see cartoon on PTV before going to school.  But today children like 3 D movie instead of cartoon.  Now we see what is 3 D Technology.

With the  help of Computer graphics we can give motion to unmovable things that they give the sight of living things.  In fact this illusion create by  a camera system.  We can make many cartoon, games, and movies with 3D.  In 1980 the Walt Disney do best to promote it.  Thus 3D did a lot of work from 2000 to 2011.