Sunday, April 24, 2011

School Trip and Recreation

School-O College Trip should knowledgeable with recreation and amusement:
School trip and recration
School and college trip is very positive and healthful activity. Institution should arrange trip once or twice in a year. The purpose of trip should knowledgeable and memorable. Ideal trip strategy consist on following category.

  • Younger teen ager under 10-year old.
  • Trip for 6th to 10th up to 16 year old.
  • Trip for College Student.

  1. recreation and trip
    Younger teen ager group:

This category is containing up to 5th class student. The teacher should arrange twice a year after sixth month and final exam. Trip purpose containing on recreation and amusement. They should gone in well known parks of the nearest city, museum and zoo. Teacher should brief younger student about museum item and zoo containing animal, birds etc.

  1. Trip for 6th to 10th Classes:

Ideal Trip of these classes for historical places of their region and in other places museum and zoo are ideal places for them. Teacher should told them about back history of all historical places which you physical visit.

For this stage trip should very purposeful and amuse-able. They should go relevant practical institution and industry etc. Teacher should contact with relevant industrial department and take the time for tour. Student should meet relevant technical person learn about their work flow and over all management work style and changing work and management need. For example an BSC textile student should visit their relevant textile industry and learn technical flow of work and management pattern, and thus designing and commerce student should visit their relevant field that is design studio of industry , marketing and accounts department and lean about technicalities of their relevant profession. Also aware them new technology trend, like as smart phones, cell phones, computer, laptop, search engine, web, use of new technology.  Education through internet searching.  Laptop and home based PC are also should provide by parents.  Innovative technology trend and new hot trend must follow to compete the practical age of student.

4- Precaution:

  • Teacher should watch their teen younger student to keep them and abstain from wrong and ruin activity.
  • Teacher should keep in mind their Finances status as they belong.
  • In case very younger student their guides should nominate.

About the Author:

I am AD serving as strategic marketer in the field of Social Media Marketing, have the interest of reading, writing, sharing, passion of Technology news spreading in whole globe. 
I've 4+year experience in SEO & Creative writing. We're providing all type of SEO Marketing services at best expertise level.

1 comment:

  1. Dont provide your younger cell phones because this is give rise to outing and bad habit.
